General FundConstruction of Perimeter Fence (RCA – Phase 2)P4 MatangadOn going
20% MDFConst./Imp. of Potable Waterworks System (Quezon)P4 MatangadCompleted
General FundConstruction of Solid Waste Management (Residual Containment Area) & Leachate Pond P4 Matangad On going
General FundConstruction of Solid Waste Management (RCA) Matangad Completed
20% MDFCosntruction of Potable WWS Reservoir (Poblacion)P7 PoblacionOn going
20% MDFConstruction of Public Market Stalls & Comfort RoomP7 PoblacionCompleted
General FundConstruction/Improvement of Cemented TombPangayawanOn going
20% MDFConstruction of WWS (Deepwell w/ Motor Pump & Acc.) P7 Poblacion On going
General FundRepair & Maintenance of Municipal Building Poblacion On going
General FundRepair & Maintenance of WWS (P7 Pob. & P4 Quezon)Municipal WideOn going
Excise TaxConst./Concreting of Farm to Market RoadP6 C.P. GarciaOn going
Excise TaxConst./Concreting of Farm to Market RoadP3 KilangitOn going
Excise TaxConst./Concreting of Farm to Market RoadP5 MatangadOn going
Excise TaxConst./Concreting of Farm to Market RoadP2-6 PoblacionOn going
Excise TaxConst./Concreting of Farm to Market RoadP6 UlabOn going
General FundRepair & Maintenance of WWS (Brgy. Talao)TalaoOn going